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No catchy name for a post about a show I went to last night and the band that stayed over

So, I went to yet another mcchris show last night, although this time he was opening for Piebald. It was kinda sad for me since mc wasn't headlining his set was pretty short, but I do digress. I didn't stay for Piebald, just so you know, but I did arrive early enough to see the opening band, of whom before this point I had never heard of, Street to Nowhere. Usually I am very indifferent when I don't know of the opening band for a show that has such a diverse line up of entertainers, mc being a nerdcore rapper and Piebald being emo-core. But, if you knew me better than you do, you would know that I hate to be late for anything, so there I was dutifully waiting for the doors of the Grog Shop to open here in beautiful Cleveland, OH.

Anyway, none of this so far is telling you why i currently have the band members from Street to Nowhere sleeping in my living room.

So, back to the point. We get to said show. We get in, buy our mc merch early and take it to the car, since we are so early (we got there when the doors opened, you know). We go say hi to mc, who always dutifully hangs out at his table with his merch guy until the show starts. And then the first band starts. It was kinda weird, there was no intro or anything, just kinda, all of a sudden there was live music instead of the jukebox music. So, I am skeptical, because I always am skeptical. But they start out, and I look over to Ry and say "hmm....maybe I am glad that we got here early enough to hear the opening band, they kinda rock".

And they did. I was suprised. Boy, I guess that that is kinda mean, but you know how hit or miss the first opening band can be, right? Maybe I am just a little pessimistic. Sorry about that. They did rock, I totally enjoyed their set. I was kinda disappointed that some of the crowd for Piebald just stood their like statues in the front reserving their stations for a band that wouldn't play for two more sets. They just get in the way of good rocking.

So, during their set, they tell people they are looking for a place to stay and do their laundry. I kinda thought they were kidding, but that goes to show you how naive I am about the music scene. So, after their set, Ry and I go over and wait for them to finish putting their stuff away and offer them accommodation. But before we can actually offer, a girl who I dubbed 'anti-mohawk' comes over and offers her service to them as well. They start a list, and we go to rock out with mc. I didn't really think that they would call on us, I mean, there had to be better offers, right? But I think that free laundry (as opposed to paying with quarters, you know) is a nice bonus for anyone.

Well, long story short (since this blog is getting out of hand), they do call us, and we are housing a band for the night. It's gotta be a tough life for a band on the road. No days off for good behavior, running all the time, staying in complete strangers houses, but, think of how much fun that can be for a while, too. Just no too long, you know? Bands do make nice house guests, though.
If you see that Piebald is coming to your town, go see the show, and get there early enough for Street to Nowhere and mcchris. You won't regret it. It's up to you if you stay for Piebald, though.
Please excuse me while I go make my house guests some breakfast.

Just Say No Kids

If any of you kids out there are thinking about playing rock and roll music, just say no. Look what playing guitar for so many years has done to Eddie Van Halen. Don't end up like him kids, stay in school, music is a dead end street to creepy old guyville and believe me it's a lonely place to be. So the next time you think about joining a rock band because it's the "cool" thing to do, why don't you join an accounting firm and really be cool. Click the read more button to see a computer generated image of what Eddie Van Halen will look like in another 10 years.  

How I imagine bad records are born

Don't you hate it when you buy a new CD b/c you really love one song and then you get it and it has like four good songs and 9 shitty songs? And the songs you like you really like, but the songs you dislike you really hate? Like, what was going on? Did the band get lazy? Did they get rock amnesia? Did they get lame disease? Okay, I will admit that the last one was pretty lame by any standards.  I apologize. And how does one get rock amnesia? One minute your band is really rocking out, and then all of a sudden and out of the blue like you forget how to play anything except Coldplay or Limp Bizkit (I guess that would depend on your genre, which band you would start to play). I mean, you are rocking out, and then all of a sudden you look at the drummer and say, "hey, let's try rocking it like Coheed and Cambria, that would be cool". That is when you find a new band, by the way. Cause you're mediocrity is sealed in one of those giant Tupperware containers that lady used to keep her kids in to keep them children for ever on Erie Indiana. If you just got that reference, you are truly an awesome person and should be given mad props. So, here is how I think it must go: Said band is sitting around. They have like, three solid tracks, a few tracks that are kinda rockin and some lyrics that someone wrote while they were drunk/tired/high/highly caffeinated/etc. The lyrics seem OK, but def are not up to the standards of the other "solid" tracks the band already has. But....they don't feel like writing anything else, so, they must be good. Oh, wait, that's not how it is, they must actually lay down the "negotiable" tracks while drunk/tired/high/you get the point and then somehow think that they are good enough to hand in with the rest of the record. They must not even listen to them again. I think that it goes like this: they say, "oh, man, we rocked so hard last night, lets not even ruin the vibe of these tracks by listening to them again" And then the person who arranges the album doesn't care, it's not their music, they probably don't even listen to it, either. They just pick the track order at random unless the band specified differently. So, the record gets published and then people like me buy the album and regret it. I definitely don't regret the songs that rock on this particular album, but I do hate the ones that suck so bad. So bad. But, you know, this whole little scenario is all made up in my head, I have no idea how a record is produced or anything. But for the crappy ones, I figure this has to be close. And, if you are crying because I made fun of one of your favorite bands, your taste in music sucks. Grow up.

What You Should Be Watching: The Knights of Prosperity

The Knights of Prosperity Wednesdays @ 8:30 on ABC (always check listings - it moves a lot) In a Nutshell: Welcome Back Kotter + Heist
Click here for theme song! Click here to see the amazingly sexy theme song!
Here are 10 good reasons why this show is amusing: 1. The theme song kicks ass. It's a story-song in the manner of Shaft. 2. It's produced by David Letterman's company Worldwide Pants, but does not star David Letterman. 3. Famous people - most notably Dustin "Screech" Diamond and Mick Jagger - show up occasionally, playing caricatures of themselves. 4. It stars a big fat black guy with a Barry White voice who constantly chomps a cigar. 5. Two of the characters are an Italian from the Bronx and an Indian taxi driver who continuously throw racial jabs at each other. 6. One of the characters is a fey nerdy guy. 7. The entire premise of the show is how these people plan to rob Mick Jagger. That is it. 8. The gang's headquarters is a Jewish decorations warehouse - thus, lots of over-sized menorahs and dreidels. 9. The gang has made their own shirts. Red t-shirts with iron-on letters right out of the 80's. They often sport these shirts over their button-down collared shirts or, in the case of the sexy Latina character, in a very lovely way. 10. The end of each episode features the cast doing a "slow-mo" walk through an alley wearing their t-shirts to the recap version of the theme song. I'm pretty much watching every week just to see how this show could possibly pan out over more than 13 episodes. So what happens when they eventually do end up robbing Mick Jagger? Will they go on to rob someone else - such as Jeff Goldblum or Howard Stern, who both passed on the show? If nothing else, it's an excellent new twist on a 30-minute primetime comedy. And on network TV, no less! It has its funny moments, mostly relating to the characters and situations mentioned above. And they have what seems to be an expensive arsenal of background music, consisting of a lot of hit music from the past 40 years. Listening to The Simpsons DVD commentaries gives one a good picture of how much each note of a song - especially popular songs - costs. My theory is that somewhere-down-the-line-producer Paul Shaffer had a hand in getting some sort of discount for being one of the guys who probably wrote or played on every song since 1972. They definitely came up with a good "hook" for this show, which indeed has me hooked. I am actually hoping it does a very short run so they don't end up having *ahem* lost the premise before it comes to a big payoff at the end. ABC did a lot of hemming and hawing over this show before it went to air (there were several different names for the series as well as several different celebrities to focus on), and since it's gotten to the air it continues to move around the schedule. Catch it if you can - or check it out in reruns next summer. At least by then you'll know if they actually DO rob Mick Jagger.

Animated Wisdom from Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Check out this link. I mean it, watch it.  You will appreciate it. It just might make you smile a little bit.  It was animated by the creators from South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone but actually written by Alan Watts.  Music & Life