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I can has socialism?
Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, There is a lot of talk lately in this election about Barack Obama having "socialist views" and being "a socialist." For some - especially those who grew up during the Cold War - this evokes an image of radical Socialism as practiced in Soviet Russia and Mao's China. Or is that Communism. What is the difference anyway. Where can i buy cheapest Phentermine online, The idea of Socialism has been around for a long time - longer than German philosopher Karl Marx (who wrote The Communist Manifesto). Socialism is a set of ideals and not a type of government. Examples of types of government are Representative Democracy & Constitutional Republic (United States), Parliamentary Democracy & Constitutional Monarchy (United Kingdom, Canada), Direct Democracy & Parliamentary Republic (Switzerland) and Socialist Republic (Cuba) .., Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. among many others.

Having "socialism" written down as a set of ideals came out of Europe where people had been struggling with class for centuries, after Phentermine. Industrial revolutions made the worker more valuable but also the CEOs of the time much richer. Common people wanted to be recognized as a more important part of society and given more rights and better compensation for their work. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, This is where unions started to become more popular. Phentermine steet value, The workers organized themselves and revolted against the rich business owners. This happened all over the world - Germany, England, Australia and the US, online buying Phentermine. How are unions socialist. It is workers asking rich business owners to "share the wealth" - pay us more as you make more - and fighting back in droves. The simple showing of solidarity - if we all don't work then you will not be able to make money off us - is what makes a union powerful, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. Where can i order Phentermine without prescription, As with any large-scale movement, things spiraled out of control in some areas where those with the most fervor from the victories of The Worker began to snowball into an "I know what's right" mentality (see: Catholicism) . In places like Russia and Germany, where the workers had been most repressed and the people had suffered the most, buy cheap Phentermine no rx, socialism turned into Socialism and Communism, with a hint of Anarchy. Phentermine description, Russia's Communism (where the government flat out controls everything and no one is rich...and in their case, everyone is poor) did spread but no Communist system in the world has ever been considered "pure communism" as pretty much everyone got it wrong. Communism, as the name suggests, Phentermine from canada, is actually supposed to be like an ideal hippie commune where everyone works together, all of the food and goods are produced within the commune, Phentermine no rx, and everyone is treated equal. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, Things didn't quite pan out that way for the Communists, mainly due to human greed and ego of the people who lead the revolutions in the first place.

In other Westernized countries, socialism did just fine. Some people read Marx's work and interpreted it differently, Phentermine schedule. These socialists were from democratic countries (countries where the people vote) and their form of Socialism was called socialist democracy. They believed that socialist-type stuff could come about through EVOLUTION rather than REVOLUTION - meaning that the social services that would be provided by the government would be a reaction to the people's needs and not a top-down decision based purely on the hatred of capitalism.

Also note that in the phrase "socialist democracy" it is democracy with a small "d" and is intended to convey the word in a sense of voting (democracy) and not the "left-leaning" American political party the Democrats, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. Cheap Phentermine no rx, Socialism in the form of socialist democracy has been alive and well in the Western world since World War I. Canada, The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Phentermine use, France and Brazil hold social democracy ideals. The government helps out the people, Phentermine pharmacy, people are still free, capitalism is totally alive and well, no one class drowns under taxes and the people are happy. The people vote for these socialist ideals to be put in to place - they are not forced upon them, what is Phentermine. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, Is there socialism in America. You bet. Medicare/Medicade, Phentermine brand name, welfare, unions, unemployment, social security and even the US Post Office are social services (the USPS, buy Phentermine from canada, while now its own thing, is still backed by the government). Phentermine pics, So are libraries, public schools, fire and police services and city snow plows.

What about this whole government bailout thing, Phentermine for sale. Is that socialism, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. Well first remember that it was a democratic bailout - you voted for your representatives and they in turn voted for the terms of the bailout. It was NOT the head of the government making a sweeping decision on what to do (which is what the Communist side of Socialism would have done). Phentermine without prescription, It remains to be seen whether this bailout will benefit the people (as socialists are wont to do) or not. The hope is that it WILL benefit us and, thus, it was a socialist democracy sort of decision, purchase Phentermine online. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, So, are we Socialist or not. Well, remember that Socialism is not a type of government - we still are and will always be a representative democracy with a very strong Constitution. Phentermine coupon, There will always be a system of "checks and balances" where no one individual can gain complete control (although honestly, some of those checks and balances were cast aside during Bush's presidency). Social democrats of today are focusing more on the environment, feminism, doses Phentermine work, fair trade, human rights and secularism. Where can i cheapest Phentermine online, These ideals do fall more in line with the Democrat (big D) way of thinking. The "left-wing" if you will, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription.

In order for social democracy to take a stronger hold on America, it will mean an increase in taxes. But, effects of Phentermine, the wealth of the American people is extremely lopsided already. The vast majority of the people pay lots of tax and get little in return. Herbal Phentermine, This is the middle class and the "working poor." They do not qualify for social services which are reserved for the completely destitute and they do not have the extra money to "get ahead." So, in America, a socialist democrat has the "luxury" of slightly changing the tax laws in a way that SLIGHTLY raises the taxes on a very small but very wealthy segment of the population. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, This shift would not only ease the tax burden on the middle class and working poor but also afford the government the ability to extend social services such as universal health care to ALL Americans thus FURTHER easing the burden on the middle class.

This is, Phentermine trusted pharmacy reviews, indeed, "spreading the wealth." But it's not as scary as it sounds. Purchase Phentermine online no prescription, It means that if I make $250,000 and my tax goes up 1%, that is an extra $2500 for the government. If you make $80, Phentermine blogs,000 and your tax goes DOWN 1%, that is $800 less for the government. Phentermine alternatives, At this point, the government is $1700 ahead, you have $800 more to spend in the economy and I have $2500 less to let sit in my bank and collect interest. But that's ok for me because I still have $247,500 in the bank and will make that 1% back in interest in less than 30 days, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. The government can take that extra $1700 now and give you universal health care, Phentermine class, which is going to save you a lot of money over the years. You'll probably take that money and blow it on some useless goods or invest it in the stock market. Generic Phentermine, But that's good for me because as a rich person I benefit from a healthy stock market and a healthy US economy.

It's all pennies and nickles and dimes. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, Is it "taking from the rich and giving to the poor". In a sense, yes, Phentermine recreational. But "rich people" in America have proven they can't be trusted to manage their money - and our money - in a way that is beneficial to America. They take the money and build factories in China. Phentermine australia, uk, us, usa, They take the money and buy shoddy loans. They take the money - which used to be your money - and spend it on hookers and blow, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. They use their power and money to screw each other, they screw shareholders, they screw the government (tax evasion, Phentermine from canadian pharmacy, inflated government contracts, etc) and they screw the American economy. Discount Phentermine, All that socialist democrats want is to take a tiny bit of that wasted money and pump it back into the American economy. This will come in the form of raising taxes for the "filthy rich" and closing tax loopholes that have helped unscrupulous business executives get further ahead than planned. Instead of running the government by lending an ear (and an arm and a leg) to the rich, the socialist democrat wants to run the government in a way the benefits ALL Americans - even the rich. Buy Phentermine Without Prescription, So, don't be afraid of "socialism." Western social democracy is not the same as Communism. Think of social democracy as Protestantism: Christianity became Catholicism which turned Christianity on its ear, and the Protestants decided to break off and do their own thing. Socialism became Communism which turned Socialism on its ear, and the socialist democrats decided to break off and do THEIR own thing. Just as you can't call every Christian a Catholic, you can't call every Socialist a Communist.

Is Barack Obama a Socialist. Well he's not a Marxist or a Communist, Buy Phentermine Without Prescription. Technically he's a Democrat. Does he have Socialist views. Probably. And good for him. Because this "Free Market Capitalist" crap isn't really working out for us.

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I'm pretty sure there was a duh kind of moment when the good people over at newsnet5.com wrote this article: Racial Views Steer Some White Dems From Obama Buy Lormetazepam Without Prescription, . I have to say I'm pretty sad about it and I know a lot of people like to think that we aren't some backwards country where people are still racist.  Wait a minute, Lormetazepam results. Lormetazepam dangers, I don't know if a lot of people think that way but I know I do.  I know it's just wishful thinking on my part but honestly, people are really going to vote for McCain not because they they believe in his point of view or like his attitude or think he's cooler than Barack.  No, online Lormetazepam without a prescription, Lormetazepam for sale, they will vote for him because he isn't black.

How sad is that?  In an age where we like to think of Americans as progressive thinkers who have learned a hard lesson after four additionally painful years (at least most Americans according to the latest poll I heard which put Bush at a 29% approval rating) people are making a very very very important decision based on the fact that McCain would be better because he is white and old.  Or maybe it's just because he's white, australia, uk, us, usa. Cheap Lormetazepam no rx, I know from my previous posts it might become a little obvious about who I am planning on voting for, please put that aside.  I don't care if you want to vote for McCain as long as it's because he is standing for the issues you think are important to you.  If you are just afraid of black people or feel that [insert problem here] is all the fault of the [insert race/racist comment here] and that is why you are voting for McCain then you are an idiot and should be sterilized and not allowed to breed, order Lormetazepam online overnight delivery no prescription. Lormetazepam reviews, Anyway, I did like this line from the article: There are a lot fewer bigots than there were 50 years ago, Lormetazepam price, coupon, Lormetazepam treatment, but that doesn't mean there's only a few bigots. I dig that line.

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Why Won’t George Bush Spread Democracy in DC?

The House of Representatives has voted to expand democracy to American citizens in Washington DC. Over the past 200 years, through the Civil War, the end of slavery, the women's suffrage movement, two World Wars, and the defeat of the Soviet Union, America has neglected to expand voting rights to hundreds of thousands of its own citizens. Washington DC has no real representation in the House or the Senate. And despite this latest vote it's likely to stay that way. It doesn't look like the bill will pass in the Senate, and even if it does George W. Bush is likely to veto it. "It's unconstitutional!" is the whine from Republicans like Senator Mitch McConnell. You see, it's not because they are afraid that Washington DC residents will vote for Democrats, or because DC residents are largely poor and black. Of course they think everyone should have the right to vote! Of course they aren't elitists or racists! It's just that the procedural steps for granting suffrage properly is much more important to a democracy than, you know, actual democracy. How many times have we heard about spreading democracy from President Bush? In fact, spreading democracy was the reason we invaded Iraq in the first place, that is after we didn't find any weapons of mass destruction. Any President willing to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to give Iraqis the vote should be leading this charge to give it to citizens of his own country. I will give the Republicans in the Senate and the President some credit - they are right to criticize this particular bill, just not for the wormy, hypocritical reasons they cite. This bill is a sort of compromise - it would give one House seat to DC and another to Republican-leaning Utah, which just missed getting another seat in the last census. While it's better than nothing, this bill still doesn't give DC residents any representation in the Senate. If Wyoming deserves two Senators, then so does DC. Perhaps an amendment really is the way to go, but I doubt these Senators would vote to propose one to the states. Instead of saying "I can't vote for this because it should be an amendment," they should just tell the truth: they don't want to give seats in Congress to all the people in DC because they tend to vote for the other side. Listen, there are a lot of political issues in this country that have two (or more) perfectly valid viewpoints. We can debate back and forth on gun control, the death penalty, tax rates, etc. to our heart's content. Representation in a democracy is a not one of these issues. The fact that we can get more votes to ban flag burning than to give DC residents representation is shameful, disgusting and undemocratic.

Save American Jobs – Reproduce!

A new report on immigration from the Missouri House is making the staggering claim that abortion leads to a shortage in the American workforce and thus leads to illegal immigration to fill the positions that should have been held by these aborted people. First off - I am not making this up. This is not a joke post. Secondly, the report was created by a "Republican-led legislative panel" so considering the Republican stand on abortion, you can be sure that THEY are not making it up - they truly believe that abortion leads to illegal immigration. With the midterms over and the Republicans scrambling to regain popularity they are trying to wrap three huge domestic issues - immigration, abortion and unemployment - into one little study to show how they are all related, and that the Government truly does care about domestic issues (since they ain't winning any voters over with their messes outside the country). I wasn't aware there even WAS a shortage of American workers. If there is an unemployment rate at all (currently around 4.7%) then there is no shortage. Employers aren't begging people to come work illegally. They're perhaps begging people to come work under the table to avoid withholding taxes or to come work for dirt cheap but the problem there is not a shortage of American workers, it's a shortage of employers willing to pay a living wage and pay taxes on & benefits to their employees. According to the article, National Right to Life estimates 47 billion abortions have been performed since 1973. Committee chairman Ed Emery says "If you kill 44 million of your potential workers, it's not too surprising we would be desperate for workers." Let's see...if we had 44 million more people, we'd probably be more desperate for health care too. Probably more desperate for welfare. We'd probably have a larger population of unfit mothers, drug users, kids crammed in schools, and uhm...unemployed Americans! Since all six of the Democrats on the panel refused to sign the report (one called it "embarassing") and all 10 Republicans signed it, this report clearly smacks of partisanism. Either all of the Republicans are flaming idiots or they are just signing whatever comes through to their "Republican Led Committee" inbox. One Republican panel member, says the linked article, contends that he "didn't recall the report linking abortion and illegal immigration." Unfortunately my Google-fu is as weak as the AP writer's is who broke the story, so we won't be able to read the report ourselves to see if the Republicans possibly came up with a million other reasons why illegal immigration is a growing problem in the US or if they have just settled on abortion. They might as well kill two unwanted birds with one stone, eh? What do you think? Are the Republicans crazy? Are the Dems just trying to make them look crazy? Or is abortion actually a good argument for why illegal immigration is a problem in the United States?